How Many Calories in Gelatin

Gelatin is a favorite dessert; it is well liked for its scrumptious taste. However, it also comes with a good number of calories most of which are obtained from carbohydrates. Different recipes are used to prepare this dessert and a number of ingredients are added to it for enhancing its taste.

One cup of gelatin dessert contains a total of 149 calories. Out of these 149 calories as many as 92% of the calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 8% come from proteins. None of the calories in it are obtained from fat. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of gelatin dessert is 34.06 grams, sugar content in it is 32.38 grams, protein content in it is 2.93 grams, sodium content in it is 180 mg and potassium content is 2 mg. One cubic inch of gelatin dessert contains a total of 11 calories, one snack size gelatin dessert weighing 3.5 oz contains 61 calories, 100 grams contains 62 calories and one package yields weighing about 3 oz contain a total of 335 calories.


One cup of gelatin dessert with cream cheese contains a total of 198 calories of which 64% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 28% are obtained from fat and the remaining 8% come from proteins. The total fat content in it is 6.09 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 31.91 grams, protein content in it is 4.02 grams and cholesterol content is 19 mg. One cubic inch of gelatin dessert contains a total of 14 calories, one oz contains 24 calories and 100 grams has a total of 83 calories.

Gelatin dessert with fruit is also quite popular. One cup of gelatin dessert with fruit contains a total of 156 calories out of which 93% calories come from carbohydrates, 6% from proteins and a mere 1% comes from fat.