How Many Calories in Eggs Florentine

Eggs Florentine is prepared at various restaurants and food joints. The number of calories in eggs Florentine benedict differs from restaurant to restaurant. Below mentioned are the details of the nutritional value and calorie content of some of the popular eggs Florentine preparations available from a few famous brands.

Each serving of Eggs Florentine Benedict available at Mimis Café weighing around 344 grams contains a total of 691 calories of which 64% calories come from fat, 20% from carbohydrates and the remaining 16% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of this eggs Florentine benedict preparation is 50 grams consisting of 25 grams of saturated fat content. Consuming this also impacts the cholesterol level; total cholesterol content in an equal serving of Mimis Café eggs Florentine benedict is 533 mg. The total carbohydrate content in it is 36 grams and protein content in it is 28 grams.


Each serving of eggs benedict- Florentine available at First Watch weighing approximately 374 grams contains a total of 626 calories of which 61% of the calories are obtained from fat, 26% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 13% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of eggs benedict- Florentine is 43 grams consisting of 16 grams of saturated fat content. The total carbohydrate content in it is 41 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 41 grams and protein content is 21 grams.

3 tablespoon of Egg Beaters – Florentine contains a total of 30 calories of which 56% of the calories are obtained from proteins, 28% come from carbohydrates and the remaining 16% calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of Egg Beaters – Florentine is 0.5 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 2 grams and protein content in it is 4 grams.