List of Top 10 Foods to Get Wonderfully Flat Abs

Irrespective of gender or age, every adult dreams of having flat abs and a toned body.  Apart from spending time in the gym or at home exercising, diet also plays a very important role in getting flat abdominal region. What you eat decides where and how much weight you gain and eating the right foods can help promote flat abs. The following is a list of the top 10 foods which one must have to get flat and toned abs:

Foods for Flat Abs

1. Almonds

Almonds are one of the superfoods to eat to get wonderfully looking flat abs.  Almonds contain fiber, protein, magnesium and also the powerful antioxidant-Vitamin E which helps the abs to tone down and become flat.

2. Eggs

Eggs are another great food for all of those who dream of having flat abs.  This happens due to the presence of protein and fat in the eggs.

3. Soy

Soy is full of antioxidants, fiber and protein, all of which contribute towards development of better toned and flatter abs.  Moreover, consumption of soy also helps one to lose weight more efficiently.

4. Apples

An apple a day brings flat abs to stay.  Studies have shown that people who had three apples a day for 3 months lost weight faster and had better toned abs.

5. Leafy green vegetables

Incorporating green leafy vegetables in your diet is another way to get flat abs. The low calorie content of these vegetables helps your waistline to shrink fast.

6. Vegetable soups

Make it a point to have vegetables soups regularly if you are determined to have flat abs. The vegetables in the soup are healthy for you and great for reducing the ab inches

7. Salmon

Salmon is another food which needs a mention on this list as it has many waistline reducing properties.  High content of Omega-3 fatty acids works very well.

8. Quinoa

This food is high on protein and fiber and thus has flat ab promoting properties. Its awesome flavor and crunchy texture is great for the taste buds as well.

9. Beans and legumes

Add as many beans and legumes in your diet if you are on a mission to have flat abs.  They help fight obesity and also promote burning of fat.

10. Yoghurt

Incorporating yogurt in your meals may also help you lose the belly fat fast and lead to flatter looking and well-toned abs in weeks.

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