How Many Calories in Croaker

Whether you fry croaker, steam it, bake it, broil it or prepare it using any other method it tastes scrumptious and also offers a good nutritional value. The number of calories and nutritional value in different croaker preparations are mentioned in detail in this article.

One oz of boneless baked or broiled croaker contains a total of 44 calories. Out of these 44 calories 51% of the calories are obtained from proteins, 47% calories come from fat and the remaining 2% calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of similarly prepared croaker is 2.26 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 0.18 grams and protein content in it is 5.44 grams.

Croaker Calories

Baked breaded croaker tastes even better than the usual baked croaker however the number of calories in this preparation is comparatively higher. One ounce of baked breaded croaker contains 59 calories out of which 48% of the calories come from fat, 36% calories come from proteins and the remaining 16% calories come from carbohydrates.

Fried breaded or floured croaker is equally scrumptious. One ounce of boneless fried floured or breaded croaker contains a total of 77 calories out of which 49% of the calories come from fat, 30% calories come from proteins and the remaining 21% calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in it is 4.12 grams, carbohydrate content is 3.93 grams and protein content in it is 5.72 grams.

Those who are calorie conscious may go for poached or steamed croaker. One ounce of boneless poached or steamed croaker contains a total of 30 calories. Out of these 30 calories 71% of the calories come from proteins and the remaining 29% calories come from fat. None of these calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in it is 0.92 grams and protein content in it is 5.18 grams.