How Many Calories in Cornstarch

Cornstarch offers some nutritional value but also comes with a number of calories and all of these are obtained from carbohydrates. The fat content in cornstarch is very low. However, the fat content, number of calories and the amount of other micronutrients varies based on the cornstarch preparation.

One cup of cornstarch contains a total of 488 calories and 100% of these calories are obtained from carbohydrates. None of them is obtained from fat or protein. The total fat content in an equal quantity of cornstarch is 0.06 gram out of which 0.012 gram is saturated fat content, 0.032 gram is polyunsaturated fat content and 0.02 gram is monounsaturated fat content. The sodium content in it is 12 mg, potassium content is 4 mg, carbohydrate content is 116.83 grams and protein content is 0.33 gram. One oz of cornstarch contains 108 calories and 100 grams of cornstarch has 381 calories.

Cornstarch Calories

Cornstarch with milk is a healthy combination and also tastes good. The number of calories in 2 tablespoons of cornstarch mixed with 2 and a half cup of milk contains 155 calories. Out of these 155 calories 48% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 22% calories come from proteins and 30% calories come from fat. The total fat content in this cornstarch and milk combination is 5.15 grams, total carbohydrate content in it is 18.2 grams and protein content is 8.45 grams. The total number of calories in 1 oz of cornstarch with milk is 18 k cal and 100 grams of this combination has 62 calories.

1 tablespoon of cornstarch manufactured by Great Value contains a total of 30 calories and all of these are obtained from carbohydrates. The total carbohydrate content in an equal quantity of Great Value cornstarch is 7 grams and it hardly contains any fat or protein content.