How Many Calories in Canned Chicken

Many people prefer opting for canned chicken. The number of calories in canned chicken is different from that in fresh chicken. The calorie content in canned chicken also varies based on the way it is prepared. 5 oz of canned chicken contains a total of 125 calories out of which 80% of the calories come from proteins and the remaining 20% come from fat. None of the calories in canned chicken are obtained from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of canned chicken is 2.5 grams, cholesterol content in it is 87.5 mg, sodium content in it is 625 mg and protein content in it is 22.5 grams. One oz serving of canned chicken contains a total of 25 calories.


Many people prefer consuming canned chicken gravy. One cup of canned chicken gravy contains a total of 188 calories out of which 64% calories come from fat, 27% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 9% calories are obtained from proteins. The total fat content in one cup of canned chicken is 13.59 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 12.9 grams and protein content in it is 4.59 grams. One can of canned chicken gravy contain 235 calories and 100 grams of canned chicken gravy has a total of 79 calories.

Canned chicken soup is also quite scrumptious and also contains good nutritional value. One cup containing 8 fl oz of canned condensed chicken soup contains a total of 78 calories out of which 60% of the calories come from proteins, 30% calories come from fat and the remaining 10% calories come from carbohydrates.

One tablespoon of canned chicken liver pate contains a total of 26 calories out of which 59% calories come from fat, 28% calories come from proteins and the remaining 13% calories are obtained from carbohydrates.