How Many Calories in Cactus

Cactus which is known to be low in calories as well as fat content offers various health benefits and is consumed for this reason. Cactus can be had raw and even in its cooked form. The number of calories in cactus varies based on its form.

One cup of raw cactus contains a total of 24 calories. Out of these 24 calories 69% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 27% calories are obtained from proteins and a mere 4% calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal quantity of raw cactus is 0.13 grams consisting of 0.024 grams of saturated fat content, 0.074 gram of polyunsaturated fat content and 0.027 gram of monounsaturated fat content. The total sodium content in it is 31 mg, potassium content in it is 383 mg, carbohydrate content is 4.96 grams, dietary fiber content is 3.3 grams, sugar content is 1.71 grams and protein content is 1.97 grams.

Cactus Calories

One pad of raw cactus contains a total of 6 calories. The total fat content in it is 0.03 gram, sodium content is 7 mg, potassium content is 90 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 1.17 grams and protein content is 0.46 gram.

The number of calories in its cooked form is different. One cup of cooked cactus contains a total of 55 calories. Out of these 55 calories 55% calories are obtained from fat, 32% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 13% calories are obtained from proteins. The total fat content in it is 4.96 grams, protein content in it is 2.02 grams, dietary fiber content in it is 2.9 grams, sugar content is 1.66 rams, sodium content in it is 431 mg and potassium content is 290 mg. One oz of cactus cooked after peeling it contains 9 calories. The total fat content in it is 0.61 grams.