How Many Calories in Buttermilk Biscuits

Buttermilk biscuits taste delicious but also come with a good number of calories. These are manufactured by a number of companies and the biscuit size and the number of calories in it varies from company to company.

One buttermilk biscuit of 2 and half inches diameter contains a total of 212 calories. Out of these 212 calories 51% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 42% calories come from fat and the remaining 7% come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal sized buttermilk biscuit is 9.78 grams of which 2.59 grams is saturated fat content, 2.49 grams is polyunsaturated fat content and 4.15 grams is monounsaturated fat content. The total cholesterol content in an equal sized buttermilk biscuit is 2 mg, sodium content in it is 348 mg, potassium content in it is 73 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 26.76 grams and protein content in it is 4.2 grams. A one and a half inches diameter buttermilk biscuit contains 49 calories, 1 oz of this biscuit contains 100 calories and 100 grams contains 353 calories.


 One cup of homemade buttermilk biscuit (dry mix) contains a total of 488 calories of which 61% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 32% calories come from fat and the remaining 7% calories come from proteins. One oz of buttermilk biscuit (dry mix) contains 121 calories and 100 grams contains 428 calories.

Some people prefer having commercially prepared buttermilk biscuits. A small sized commercially prepared buttermilk biscuit contains a total of 128 calories of which 53% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 40% calories come from fat and the remaining 7% are obtained from proteins. A medium sized commercially prepared buttermilk biscuit contains a total of 186 calories and a large sized contains as many as 281 calories. However, the mentioned calories in commercially prepared buttermilk biscuits may vary slightly in certain brands.