Refried beans can be prepared using various methods. The number of calories and nutritional value in these vary to some extent based on the method chosen for its preparation.
One cup of canned refried beans contains a total of 237 calories out of which 67% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 21% calories come from proteins and the remaining 12% calories come from fat. One table spoon of canned refried bans contains a total of 15 calories, one oz has 27 calories and 100 grams of canned refried beans has a total 94 calories.
Refried beans with cheese taste scrumptious, however, the number of calories in these is higher in comparison to certain other refried bean preparations. One cup of refried beans with cheese contains a total of 400 calories out of which 44% calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 37% calories come from fat and the remaining 19% calories come from proteins. One oz of refried beans with cheese contains 45 calories and100 grams of refried beans contains 158 calories.
Fat free refried beans available at Rosarita are quite popular, especially amongst those who avoid consuming fat content. Half a cup of Rosarita fat free refried beans contains a total of 100 calories of which 75% of the calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 25% calories come from proteins. Those fond of spicy food may go for Old El Paso fat free spicy refried beans. Half a cup of Old El Paso fat free spicy refried beans contains a total of 90 calories. Out of these 90 calories 73% of the calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 27% calories come from proteins.
Refried Beans with Mild Green Chiles are also quite well liked. Half a cup serving of this refried beans preparation available at La Preferida contains a total of 130 calories of which 64% calories come from carbohydrates, 23% calories come from proteins and the remaining 13% calories come from fat.