Grapes Calories

How Many Calories in Grapes

There are different kinds of grapes available in the market and the calorie content in these may differ from each other. A red seedless...

How Many Calories Lose from Running

Running is a good exercise and helps in shedding the extra calories that one puts on. Those fond of eating are especially recommended to...

How Many Calories Does Swimming Burn

Swimming is a great way to burn calories. A man weighing around 150 pounds can burn almost around 270 calories by swimming for 30...
Salad Calories

How Many Calories in a Salad

It is recommended to consume salad as a part of each meal. Most salad bars offer different kinds of healthful salads. These salads usually...
Papaya Calories

How Many Calories in a Papaya

Papaya is known to be a healthy fruit having great nutritional value. Each cup of raw papaya pieces has around 55 calories. A medium...
Mango Calories

How Many Calories in a Mango

Mangoes are available in different of shapes and sizes. These also come in different varieties. The calorie content in each mango differs from the...
Onion Calories

How Many Calories in an Onion

Onions, which are known as a good source of Vitamin C, are not very high on the calorie content. Like, any other vegetable the...
Carrot Calories

How Many Calories in a Carrot

Carrot can be consumed in different forms such as pickled carrots, boiled, steamed, fried and even raw. The calorie content in each of these...
Pear Calories

How Many Calories in a Pear

Like any other fruit, the calories in a pear also differ based on its size; the bigger the size the more the number of...
Lemon Calories

How Many Calories in a Lemon

The calorie content in a lemon differs based on whether it is peeled or unpeeled. It also depends on the size and the way...