Tabouli Salad can be prepared using different methods. The calorie content in it varies based on the way it is prepared. Each serving of tabouli salad prepared using its standard recipe contains 56 calories. Commercially prepared tabouli salad contains a number of ingredients used to enhance its taste. The calorie content in commercially prepared tobouli salad is more in comparison to the number of calories in its standard preparation.
Trader Joe’s tabouli salad is a popular choice when it comes to tabouli salad. Half a cup of trader Joe’s tabouli salad weighing around 113 grams contains a total of 105 calories out of which 49% calories come from fat, 44% calories are obtained from carbohydrates and 7% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of Trader Joe’s tabouli salad is 6 grams, total carbohydrate content in it is 12 grams and 2 grams of protein content.
Hot Mama’s tabouli salad is also well liked by many. Half a cup of Hot Mama’s tabouli salad weighing around 110 grams contains 140 calories out of which 46% calories come from carbohydrates, 45% calories come from fats and 9% calories are obtained from proteins. You may also go for Daphne’s Greek Café’s Tabouli Salad. Each serving of Daphne’s Greek Café’s Tabouli Salad contains 80 calories out of which 76% calories come from carbohydrates, 14% calories come from proteins and 10% are obtained from fats. The total fat content in an equal serving of tobouli salad available from this brand is 1 gram, protein content 3 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 17 grams.
Good Neighbors Tabouli salad is also quite delicious as well as wholesome. 2 tablespoons of Good Neighbors tabouli salad weighing around 19 grams contains a total of 20 calories out of which 48% calories come from carbohydrates, 36% calories come from fats and 16% calories are obtained from proteins.