There are a number of methods of preparing sweet potatoes and the calorie content in each of these preparations of sweet potatoes id different. A 1.5 inch raw sweet potato contains 112 calories. The total fat content in an equal sized raw sweet potato is 0.06 grams, total carbohydrate content in it is 26.16 grams and protein content in it is 2.04 grams. It is a rich source of vitamin A and also contains certain other vitamins and minerals.
A medium sized boiled sweet potato without skin contains 115 calories. Out of these 115 calories 94% calories come from carbohydrates, 4% come from proteins and 2% are obtained from fats. The total fat content in an equal sized boiled sweet potato is 0.21 gram, total carbohydrate content in it is 26.76 grams, protein content is 2.07 grams, sodium content is 41 mg and potassium content is 347 mg. 1 oz of boiled sweet potato without skin contains 22 calories, 100 grams of boiled sweet potato without skin contains 76 calories and 1 Ib of boiled sweet potato without skin contains 345 calories.
Sweet Potato is also baked in skin. One cup of sweet potato baked in skin contains 180 calories. Out of these 180 calories 93% calories are obtained from carbohydrate, 6% are obtained from proteins and 1% of the total calories come from fat. An equal quantity of similarly prepared sweet potato contains a total of 0.3 gram of fat content, 41.42 grams of carbohydrates and 4.02 grams of protein content. One oz of sweet potato baked in skin contains a total of 26 calories and a medium sized sweet potato baked in skin contains 103 calories.
Sweet potato is also available in canned as well as frozen forms. While one cup of canned mashed sweet potato contains 258 calories an equal serving of frozen sweet potato has 169 calories.