There are two kinds of sweet corns available in the market; yellow sweet corns and white sweet corns. However the calorie content in both these kinds of sweet corns is almost the same. You may consume different preparations of both yellow and white sweet corns and the number of calories in these sweet corns differs based on their method of preparation.
One cup of raw yellow sweet corns contains 132 calories. Out of these 132 calories 79% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 11% come from fat and 10% come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal quantity of yellow sweet corns is 1.82 grams, total carbohydrate content in it is 29.29 grams and protein content in it is 4.96 grams. It also contains some amount of sodium, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C and certain other essential minerals and vitamins. One oz of raw yellow sweet corns contain 24 calories, a small sized raw yellow sweet corn contains 63 calories, a medium sized raw yellow sweet corn has 77 calories and a large sized raw yellow sweet corn contains 123 calories.
Half a cup of canned yellow sweet corn vacuum pack contains 83 calories out of which 88% calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 7% are obtained from proteins and 5% come from fats. One oz of canned yellow sweet corn contains 22 calories, 100 grams of canned yellow corns contain 79 calories and 1 Ib of canned yellow sweet corn contains 358 calories.
Half a cup of canned white sweet corn vacuum pack also contains 83 calories. Cream style canned white sweet corn is quite popular. However, the calorie content in it is high. One cup of cream style canned white sweet corn contains 184 calories out of which 90% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and 5% calories come from protein and fat each.