The number of calories in black beans differs based on its method of preparation. However, whichever way you prepare these beans the number of calories obtained from carbohydrates is always higher.
One cup of raw black beans contains 662 calories. Out of these 662 calories 74% calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 23% are obtained from proteins and 3% calories come from fats. The total fat content in it is 2.75 grams, total carbohydrate content is 120.98 grams and protein content in it is 41.9 grams. Black beans are a good source of iron and also contain some amount of calcium content. Consuming 1 tablespoon of raw black beans means taking in 41 calories, one oz of raw black beans has 97 calories and 100 grams of raw black beans contains 341 calories.
Consuming one cup of boiled black beans mature seeds means taking in 227 calories out of which 73% calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 24% of the total calories come from proteins and only 3% come from fats. The total carbohydrate content in an equal quantity of boiled black beans is 40.78 grams, protein content in it is 15.24 grams and total fat content in it is 0.93 gram. It also contains some amount of iron content. However, the amount of iron present in raw black beans is much higher in comparison to its boiled form. One oz of boiled black beans mature seeds contains 37 calories and 100 grams contain 132 calories.
Black bean soup is quite nutritious and many nutritionists suggest the consumption of this soup. One cup of canned condensed black bean soup contains 234 calories out of which 68% calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 19% come from proteins and the remaining 13% come from fats. One cup of canned black bean soup prepared with equal water contains 116 calories consisting of 68% calories from carbohydrates, 20% from proteins and 12% from fats.