There are various Delicata Squash preparations that one may opt for. The number of calories in Delicata squash varies based on its method of preparation and so does its nutritional value. Below mentioned are the details about the calorie content, fat content, carbohydrate, protein and other micronutrients in some of the Delicata squash preparations.
One cup of Delicata squash contains a total of 40 calories. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of Delicata squash is 9.3 grams, dietary fiber content in it is 4 grams, sugar content in it is 4 grams and protein content in it is 1.3 grams. Delicata squash prepared with beans and kale is a nutritious as well as tasteful combination. Each serving of this Delicata squash preparation contains a total of 268 calories. The total fat content in an equal serving of Delicata squash with beans and kale contains 5 grams, protein content in it is 9 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 51 grams.
Each serving of whole average Delicata squash contains a total of 150 calories. The total carbohydrate content in this Delicata squash preparation is 36 grams and fat content in it is 2 grams. There is no protein content in whole average Delicata squash.
Delicata Squash Bisque is also quite a tasteful preparation. Each serving of this Delicata squash preparation contains a total of 200 calories. The total fat content in an equal serving of Delicata squash bisque is 8 grams of which 4.7 grams is monounsaturated fat content, 1.4 grams is polyunsaturated fat content and 1.6 grams is saturated fat content. It contains 1,985 mg of sodium content, 1008 mg of potassium, 10.3 grams of carbohydrate content and 2.8 grams of protein content.
Delicata Squash Caserole is another well liked Delicata squash casserole preparation. Each serving of Delicata Squash Caserole contains 114 calories.
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